Certifications / Memberships
Certifications / Memberships

Certifications / Memberships

Certifications / Memberships
CWT's Entity

LME Approved Warehouse Operator

The London Metal Exchange is the world center for industrial metals trading. The prices discovered on its three trading platforms are used as the global reference price and both the metal and investment communities use the LME to transfer or take on risk, 24 hours a day. CWT Commodity Logistics (S) Pte Ltd in Asia and CWT Commodity Logistics (Rotterdam) BV in Europe have been officially approved as LME warehouse operators.

CWT Commodity Logistics (S) Pte Ltd & CWT Commodity Logistics Rotterdam B.V.

The Federation of Cocoa Commerce Ltd

The Federation of Cocoa Commerce Ltd – a truly international trade organisation for the private sector representing all areas of the cocoa supply chain.  The Federation is actively involved with many initiatives to address issues of sustainability, quality standards, transport/warehousing, finance and socio-economic conditions which have an impact upon the cocoa trade and industry.

CWT Commodities Amsterdam; CWT Commodity Logistics (S) Pte Ltd; CWT Commodities (Ghana); CWT Commodities Ivory Coast; CWT Commodity Logistics (UK); CWT Commodities Antwerp


Cocoa Association of Asia (CAA) is a trade association founded in 2004 that represents & furthers the interests of the cocoa & chocolate industry in Asia. Refer to www.cocoaasia.org

CWT Commodity Logistics (S) Pte Ltd

ICE Approved Warehouse Operator

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE) is an American network of exchanges and clearing houses for financial and commodity markets. ICE owns and operates 23 regulated exchanges and marketplaces; ICE futures exchanges in the US, Canada and Europe, Liffe futures exchanges in the US and Europe

CWT Commodities Amsterdam; CWT Commodities Antwerp; CWT Commodity Logistics (UK)

British Coffee Association

The British Coffee Association (BCA) is the representative organisation for the coffee industry in the UK. It promotes and safeguards its members’ interests in all matters relating to the growth, preparation, shipment, warehousing, transport, insurance, manufacturing, distribution and consumption of coffee.

CWT Commodity Logistics (UK)